Hello, Again

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog post here. And the truth is, that I don’t even really have an excuse for it haha. My life during the summer consists of me going to work, coming home, then sleeping, waking up to eat/run and then going back to sleep later in the night. But regardless, I decided to take a second to write about my newest goal.

You know the freshman 15 that everyone says you gain in college? Well freshman year wasn’t that bad. I might’ve gained like 5 pounds, but I really tried to work them off in the summer and for the most part it worked. But what I never worried about was putting on the pounds after freshman year. Because who ever talks about the sophomore 15? But when my healthy-ish eating habits turned to complete mush, then my body went with it. And it was tough to watch it happen.

I’ve generally been pretty slim, so when I added pudge to the frame that I was used to, you can imagine that it was rough. I tried to motivate myself to work out, but it was really hard to. College made me a lazier person than I thought I ever was. Maybe it’s because I was used to having a very regimented schedule for choir and now it’s much more lax. I’m not sure, but I definitely spent more days lounging around my room than I would ever like to say. 

Well, this summer, I decided that things need to turn around. At first I was just doing some ab and leg workouts, but they weren’t really showing me the results that I wanted. So I decided to start going to the gym. Thankfully, since I work at the YMCA, I get a free membership for a year. I started running on the treadmill for what I hoped would be every day, but I lacked the motivation to wake up every day before work and to go on Saturday. And then I found the Couch-2-5K program. 

Basically you learn to run 3 miles, even if you’ve never run at all. This is my third week in this program, and I must say that it’s challenging and it will continue to get challenging. But I’ve already lost two pounds in two weeks. And even though that sounds small, to me that is progress. So I’m happy to keep going and keep running. Diabetes runs in my family on both my parents’ sides, so I need to take control of my health now and build good habits. As long as I keep this up, I will keep seeing results and be happier with myself and my body.